The soil, like the crop, can have a nutritional imbalance . One mechanism to eradicate this problem is to facilitate the absorption of water, a liquid through which vital minerals enter to form strengthened crops.
Compact or flooded soils due to excessive rains or not correctly dosed irrigation can cause low oxygen availability in cultivation soils, therefore, root asphyxia situation. Good root aeration is necessary to allow proper respiration and facilitate nutrient absorption. There are several methods that improve soil aeration, although they all have one point in common: they are applied through buried irrigation. The application of these techniques can increase production and improve the quality of the harvest, especially in soils with unfavorable physical conditions and crops without soil.
Symptoms of root asphyxia
A plant with this problem suffers a growth arrest, chlorosis, continuous defoliation, flower and fruit drop. Depending on the weather conditions, certain fungi such as Armillaria mellea, Phytophpthora spp, Rosellinia necatrix, etc.
How to act to avoid it
Providing the soil of our garden or crop with the circulation of air and water, avoiding stagnation is essential. Controlling irrigation systems, soil moisture levels and correct soil respiration ensure the absorption of nutrients to the roots.
Preparing the ground before planting is essential for it to prosper, aerating the ground by mechanical method makes the soil get the oxygen it needs. But then there are factors such as climatic changes that we cannot control and we can suffer excess rainfall that negatively contributes to the compaction of the earth. Through controlled and efficient irrigation with KP-DES in the appropriate amounts we will supply a large amount of oxygen to the root, which will help it easily absorb nutrients and fertilizers, which will stimulate growth. In turn, KP-DES performs a disinfection of the land by controlling pathogens that can damage the crop.
As it is a disinfectant that removes biofilm from irrigation systems and does not leave toxic residues, it is easy to apply, which is why it is increasingly used in fields and greenhouses, in the different irrigation methods in Spain. It has the CAAE certification that verifies it as suitable for organic farming.